I feel like muffin and I have a prepackaged mix waiting in my pantry so I decided to give it a go this weekend. :)
End result?Taste pretty good but texture is a bit rubbery (not as muffin bready as I'd like) - next time will try bake with mix made from scratch from a recipe.
Lesson learnt? Well - it is quite tricky to bake and take photos of each step! :P I salute the food bloggers!
I am one half of a great couple, a big sister to my 3 dearest siblings, a daughter of my loving parents, and a friend of many wonderful people.
On weekdays - I am an IT consultant. But given the chance, I would love to be a blogger who takes amazing photos and eats good food everyday.
I am curiously finding my way around this constantly changing world and learning about things and people (well - mainly myself). I plan to have fun and document my "lessons learnt" here. Nice meeting you. Cheers!
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