Today's Two Interesting Web Findings: Time & Darren Rowse

In an attempt to cultivate my interest and grow my knowledge on Photography; I started subscribing to "Digital Photography School" RSS feed a while ago. The articles are useful and/or interesting to read. Whenever I found the time to browse the website, I found a handful of articles that tickles my curiosity as a beginner photographer. Constantly! That is how good that website is. Their archive is full of posts with handy tips on photography and gorgeous snapshots.

I found out today that the guy behind the website isn't a professional photographer. WHOA! How is that possible? This person creates MULTIPLE great things and have them all going in parallel. Grr....! I can't even find time to create ONE great thing. I guess I need to try harder, or smarter.

The name is Darren Rowse. He's a Pro Blogger. From my web research, he sounds like an interesting family guy with a good humble head on his shoulder. He lives in Melbourne too! For some reason, I've always thought that DPS is US based. It definitely proves to me that on the web, one's location doesn't impact the greatness of the product that one creates. Plus, here in Australia, we really do have access to enough resources and knowledge to actually compete with the Americans.


And then... just as if they can hear my cry in my recent blog post, "Life's Most Precious Commodity, Dumb Little Man posted the answer today!
"Seven Ways to Create More Time In Your Day"

I need to get working on my ONE great thing.

G'day to you all!

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